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March 29, 2022

6 new features of the Fabulate platform that give you more control of your content projects

Our mission with the design of the new Fabulate platform was to develop management tools that were powerful enough for any project

Nathan Powell

Our mission with the design of the new Fabulate platform was to develop management tools that were powerful enough for any project yet simple enough for any task. Anyone should be able to jump into the platform and utilise the workflow tools, but those that want to delve deeper will see real utility in the advanced features and functionality. When building the new workroom, this meant reimagining the way that project owners could set up their workspace and how invited collaborators could engage with your space.

At the heart of this is giving users more control and easier access to project information. 

With the launch of our Beta just days away, here are six new features that will change the way that you interact with the Fabulate platform.

Organise your the workroom in a way that makes sense for your workflow

Unified project view

All of your content, distribution and publishing tasks are now unified under a singular project. This makes it easier than ever to stay on top of your tasks. Need to give feedback to a creator and communicate these changes to your publishing partner? This is now possible from a single project workroom and can be achieved with just a few clicks.

Your project tasks are sorted by task type (content, distribution and internal) by default but can be ordered further by status and assignee.

Organise your whole production process from a singular workroom project

Internal tasks

Does your business require certain tasks that sit outside of the pre-set workflow in the Fabulate platform? Now you can launch (and assign) tasks that are custom to your own unique requirements. These could be reminders or additional internal approvals. Regardless of how you need to work, Fabulate now scales to adapt.

An internal task acts and behaves like any other task within the Fabulate platform - allowing you to assign responsibility, set deadlines, upload files, communicate and benefit from email reminders.

You can launch an internal task at any time from within a project by clicking the ‘+ Add New’ button at the base of the page.

Provide pixel accurate feedback to creators

Visual feedback tool

Working with video and visual design files and need to give specific feedback? Now you can use the advanced feedback tool within the Fabulate platform to right-click on any part of an image. Alternatively, you can pause the video you are working on and mark that particular section with a comment that is auto-saved to that file for collaborators to see. This means timestamping no longer needs to be done via email and word documents for video. It can be done quickly and easily as you view the file. 

This is possible without having to download any files and can be done on any device to make giving feedback to your creator easier than ever. The best part is you can keep track of these comments on each file as proof of revision history.

Any content, distribution or internal task has this feature enabled. Simply upload and click on a file to launch the campaign vault.

Task based communication allows you to get the point

Task level messaging and communication

A significant upgrade from the original platform (where an entire project’s messaging functionality was captured into a single stream), communication is now localised to an individual task. This makes it more specific and easier to get up to speed on what has changed since a task was updated.

You can @tag contributors to provide specific feedback relevant only to them, search and filter for particular messages, and have the ability to edit/delete messages.

We’ve been experimenting with this feature internally for a while now and are impressed with the reduced back and forth that these new features provide to your projects.

Track the history of your campaign through the activity view

Project and task activity feed

This feed was originally built as part of a customer service tool for Fabulate admins, but we have now exposed this feature to all users to better keep track of changes and approvals across projects.

Available at both a project and task level, you can keep track of every time a user comments, upload a file, change the status of a task, add a collaborator and more.

For all users, this will become a valuable diagnostic tool for projects, and for managers, it will make it easier than ever to account for team resources.

Discover more information about the people you are collaborating via their user profile

New user profiles

All users across the platform now have a public facing profile so that you can learn more about the people you are working with. You can save examples of your work, details about your organisation and some unique details about your experience.

For creators, this means it will be easier to display your portfolio of work, feature and control your testimonials and better visualise your past publishing experience. Clicking on a user’s profile will overlay their details on the page that you are on, allowing you to cycle through their details.

You can also share user profiles off-platform - particularly useful if you want to share a creator’s information with someone via email.

Your notification centre displays all your system alerts

Notification control centre

With so much more going on within the Fabulate platform, we felt it necessary to expand upon our existing notifications system so users can search, filter and control the settings from which they receive platform alerts.

This will continue to evolve as we build out this feature, but you can now allow the Fabulate platform to send you browser notifications when things are updated and require your attention. 

More than 100 new features within the Beta release

These six features will give users more control than ever before. Available as soon as your account rolls over into the Beta program, you can test these and more than 100 other new features that have all been built with the goal of making your content projects easier than ever.

Over the coming days and weeks, we will continue to reveal features and provide you with examples of how you can utilise these as part of your campaign.

Got questions on any of these new features? Send us an email for more information.