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A complete creator ecosystem that allows all users to connect and scale workflows

Empower your campaigns with data-driven decisions. No more guesswork, just informed choices. Effortlessly compare, analyse, and list potential influencers—finding the perfect fit for your campaign goals has never been easier.

Keep your entire team in the loop with centralised communication, approvals, file management, contracts and payment. Built from the ground up to connect brands, PR & talent agencies and creators of all sizes.

Want to learn more?

Watch now and get in touch.

Customise your workspace dashboard to the way you like to work

The Fabulate Dashboard prioritises user experience through individual customisation, providing a tailored interface that grants users visibility into the specific details most crucial to their role.

Invite internal
and external stakeholders into
your workspace

Fabulate offers unlimited flexibility in the number of members or guests you can incorporate into your workspace. Seamlessly expand your operations by inviting as many individual members as needed, empowering your workspace with the capacity to accommodate diverse teams and collaborators.

Are content approvals pushing out your timelines? Revisions and approvals are easy with Fabulate.

See how your content looks, before it goes live.

Preview your content on social media platforms to see exactly how it will appear before going live. Tailor the social handle, content type, caption, and media to your preference.

Give precise feedback without writing down time codes

Avoid manually noting time codes or annotating screenshots. Instead, utilise the feedback tool to specify changes directly. Just click to comment for all stake holders to review and collaborate creatively. This streamlines revisions with auto-synced video feedback, time-coded for each frame.

Never lose another file - lock them in the Fabulate Vault

Store and manage various content types including images, videos, audio, and documents organised in folders and collections for easy access. Effortlessly control file permissions to share within projects or externally, and utilise AI for automatic scanning, reading, and tagging of files, enhancing searchability and organisation.

Save all your
campaign files in the
Fabulate Vault. Access
your content anywhere
on any device.

Organise your files seamlessly with our integrated digital asset management tool.

“Fabulate's technology, tools, and process has allowed us to streamline our approach to influencer campaigns, while protecting the most important relationships we hold with talent and their management. Our team can focus on the more important work of relationship-building while Fabulate helps us take care of everything else seamlessly.”

Drew Collins – Head of Social and Influencer, Edelman Australia

Say goodbye to manual invoicing –automatically pay creators from within Fabulate

Eliminate the need for manual invoice creation and integration with your internal billing system. Fabulate streamlines the process by automatically generating detailed invoices for all campaign creator activities and managing payouts to creators upon your payment authorisation. This allows you to concentrate more on content creation and spend less time on paperwork.

Fabulate Workflow FAQs

Can I customise the workflow tools

Certainly, the Fabulate platform offers extensive customisation options for its workflow tools, allowing you to tailor them to your specific campaign requirements and preferred working style. You have the flexibility to organise and view your projects in several formats, including Campaign View, KANBAN View, or Calendar View. These options provide a visual and organisational framework that can be matched to the unique demands of each campaign and your team's working preferences.

Beyond these viewing options, Fabulate's workroom can be further customised with over 20 different filters. This level of customisation enables you to refine and streamline your workflow, ensuring that you can manage and track your campaigns with precision. Whether you need to sort tasks by deadline, priority, campaign stage, or any other specific criterion, these filters make it possible to create a highly organised and efficient work environment.

This customisability is particularly valuable for marketing professionals, as it allows for a more coherent and focused approach to campaign management. By adapting the platform's tools to fit your campaigns, you can enhance productivity, improve team coordination, and ultimately achieve better campaign outcomes.

Can I add team members to collaborate on campaigns?

Absolutely, Fabulate is equipped with a sophisticated user permissioning system designed to streamline workflows by facilitating collaboration among team members. This system enables you to add collaborators with varying levels of access, tailored to their role within the campaign. You have the flexibility to assign permissions that allow users to edit content, manage projects, or simply view details. This granularity in role assignment ensures that each team member has the appropriate level of access to efficiently contribute to the workflow without compromising the integrity or confidentiality of the project.

Moreover, Fabulate extends its collaborative features beyond the confines of your organisation through its Guest invite system. This feature allows you to incorporate external contributors into specific tasks or projects, further enhancing the flexibility and scope of your campaign management. The Guest invite system is designed with privacy in mind, automatically concealing sensitive information, such as pricing details, from these external participants.

This level of customisation and control over user permissions and external collaboration is invaluable for marketing professionals. It enables a more dynamic, efficient, and secure approach to campaign management, ensuring that everyone involved, whether internal team members or external partners, can contribute effectively within the parameters you set.

Can I use Fabulate to power my in house content team?

Yes, your in-house content team can utilise all the tools offered by Fabulate. You have the flexibility to involve internal stakeholders in the approvals process and connect with external parties such as creators and talent agencies. Additionally, Fabulate's generous seat model enables you to expand the platform's use across your organisation extensively. To discover how Fabulate can enhance your team's efficiency, please book a call with us.

How much does it cost to use Fabulate Workflow?

Workflow is an integral part of the Fabulate platform, designed to manage your content seamlessly from start to finish. For self-service clients, Workflow is included whenever you book creator content, with a service fee of 10% added on top of the content booking cost. This fee also covers our payment gateway to ensure that creators are compensated promptly and securely. For further details about our pricing model, please visit our pricing page.

I'm a managed service customer, can I still use Fabulate's workflow tools?

Yes, as a managed service customer, you retain full access to all of Fabulate's workflow tools. This ensures you have a completely transparent view of your campaign's progress. Access to these tools is included as part of your managed service fee, allowing you to monitor your campaigns effectively.

Can I share files directly from the Fabulate platform?

Any file uploaded to the platform is automatically saved to the Fabulate cloud. This allows you to access your files from any device and share links directly to these files with users both on and off the Fabulate platform.

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Level up your influencer marketing

Transform your influencer marketing efforts with Fabulate’s powerful workflow tools

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