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November 16, 2021

How to give constructive feedback on creative projects

Creativity in content is, at times, subjective.Sometimes a project just doesn't feel like it is right for your brand.


Creativity in content is, at times, subjective.Sometimes a project just doesn't feel like it is right for your brand. Maybe it is a detail that was missed in the original brief, or perhaps the tone of the content is a little off.It is for reasons such as these that we include rounds of review in all creative projects. The review process is a crucial part of content creation and advertisers should take an active role in making sure the content is right for the goals you are trying to achieve. Making sure your creative partner is aligned to the goals of the project and how to execute this creatively are very important.Whilst they are experts in content creation - you are the expert in your brand.However, just saying “I don't like it” is not constructive feedback. You need to delve deeper to get to the root of the issue. This takes a little bit of practice, but once you find your groove, you will reap the rewards.Here are some tips that will make sure you are providing meaningful feedback that will increase the quality of your content without slowing things down.

Make sure your feedback is timely

Putting off feedback is one of the most common delays in the production process. Striking while the iron is hot, while the data is fresh and the creative idea is still malleable, is important. Every minute a piece of content is stuck in review is one where it is not working for you, so we suggest setting a deadline for yourself and communicating this to your creator. This allows them to account for time to review your feedback and make the appropriate changes whilst still delivering to your timelines.

Devote time to provide quality feedback

It is important when compiling your review feedback to do it without distraction. Completing your feedback in a single sitting is a great way to capture all of the elements that need attention.We suggest blocking out time in your diary, switching off your phone and going through each element in great detail. Content projects are like children. The more effort you invest, the greater the quality of the output.

Be clear on who is providing feedback

At times, there are multiple people in a single content workroom developing a project. For larger-scale projects, it can get confusing as to who is a key decision-maker and who is attached to the project for visibility only. Democracy is great for society, but it can be a significant roadblock for content production.When starting a project, we recommend defining who will be providing feedback to the creator and who is responsible for approving future drafts. It is also helpful to flag if the content needs to pass certain internal divisions for review (i.e. legal, product, marketing, etc.). This helps to control the expectations on timings and allows the creator to manage their workflow properly.It is fine to have multiple collaborators on a project, but like any finely tuned kitchen, it's important to understand the role we play in the entire process.

Be courteous when giving feedback

Sometimes as a creator, it isn't easy to separate yourself from the work that has been submitted, which is why it is important to be careful about how you phrase your feedback. We all appreciate being spoken to with respect and being friendly with how you raise concerns might influence a better outcome. Introducing yourself when you start the project, having regular and consistent communication and taking the time to know your creative partner are all things that build a strong business relationship. It is for this reason you should never make feedback personal.Take into consideration that if an issue arises, it could be due to a misunderstanding or as a result of details that were lacking up front. All of our creative partners are here to help deliver the best possible outcome for you and your brand.

Be clear if it misses brand guidelines

Sometimes good ideas are just not executed in a way that is aligned to your brand. Besides including your brand guidelines when commissioning your project, it is essential to be clear if something structurally is not feeling right.

  • Provide feedback on the preferred structure of your narrative and how it should be brought to life in your medium.
  • Explain how the tone of the content needs to change. Providing examples saves time and gives the creators a clear idea of what success looks like.
  • Convey any details around colours, fonts and visual styling that are relevant per your style guidelines.
  • Communicate your preference or choice of words. Are there phrases that you would prefer for your brand to use?

How this content sounds or looks is very important, so providing these details as early as possible in the production process will save you time in the long term.

Cite specific areas of concern

If there are certain areas of your content that just aren't working for you as a reader or brand, flag it and ask for a rework. If a paragraph doesn't flow well, or an infographic isn't as clear as it could be, ask for the creator to rethink their execution.Having an example provides a clear marker for the creator to fix while also providing them with intel on your requirements for future jobs.It is ok not to like something, but you should be clear on what you don't like.

Ask your creator's opinion

All of our creators are vetted thoroughly and have years of experience so if you are unsure of something, ask them a question. The benefit of using a creator with a wealth of experience means you can utilise their learnings across thousands of pieces of content. As with all creative projects, there can be multiple ways to skin a cat. Challenge your creator on why they have approached a project in a certain way. They will be happy to explain their reasoning as they share the same goal as you - producing a successful piece of content.


Following the steps of this guide will make it easier for all involved and speed up your overall production process. With Fabulate, all jobs have an inbuilt review process and are designed to ensure that your project is perfect before it goes out to audiences.Think there are steps that we have missed? Having trouble providing feedback? Get in contact with our friendly support team and we can help guide you through the process.