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March 30, 2022

How we've made winning business in the content marketplace easier for creators

Alongside the more than 100 new features we are making to the Fabulate platform, we have rebuilt our content marketplace from the ground up

Nathan Powell

Alongside the more than 100 new features we are making to the Fabulate platform, we have rebuilt our content marketplace from the ground up. This has meant redesigning the entire creator user interface, as well as the information that clients receive as part of their response. 

Our goal with this was to focus on three elements:

  • Provide more relevant information
  • Make it easier to sort, organise and manage your content pipeline
  • Reduce the time it takes to pitch and offer alternative ways to respond to projects

The marketplace

Now housed on its own section on the left-hand nav, you can be taken straight through to any available brands that have jobs looking for creators. Depending on your preference, you can view these jobs as ‘cards’ or in ‘list view’. 

Each job listing has been designed to showcase all of the relevant information (such as budget, volume of articles and response dates) at a glance so you can select the jobs that are of most interest to you.

The brief overlay displays all the important details of a brand's content job

Clicking on the opportunity will launch an overlay detailing all of the relevant information for this job, including the brand, the challenges they are looking to solve and the intended target audience. 

The pitch process

We have simplified the pitch process even further from the changes we made in late 2021 while still giving you additional ways to supply information, if required, as part of your proposal.

Pitching now allows you to upload attachments such as portfolios and examples of past work

As part of your pitch, you can supply:

  • A pitch headline (like a subject line of an email)
  • A section about you (this is optional but allows you to share your unique experience)
  • Uploads and relevant files (optional)
  • A summary of your idea (that is no more than 500 characters)
It's never been easier to pitch for content jobs

After extensive review, these were the elements we found that clients were most interested in when deciding which creator to award their job.

The (500) character limit on pitch ideas was not put in place to get creators to provide more information about their idea but rather to word the pitch concisely. It’s a delicate balance, but the goal should always be to present your concept simply, without the need for an essay. This achieves two things: it allows the client to clearly understand what they would be getting by working with you and reduces the amount of time you spend pitching as a creator.

Managing your pipeline

The last of the major upgrades to the creator pitch process has been built to locate your private invites more easily and manage the status of pitches you have made on the platform.

Manage all of your private job invites from a single view

Private invites are now saved on their own tab in the ‘marketplace’ section of the platform. While you will still receive an email notification when you have been invited by a client, invitations are now highlighted by a red alert when something requires your attention.

Your private invites will display information similarly to standard briefs and can be pitched on directly from this view.

Your content pipeline keeps a record of all activity pitched on the platform and the status of each project.

You can manage your pipeline from the ‘my pitches’ tab of the marketplace section. This will keep a record of all of the jobs you have pitched on, their status, and expected sign-off dates.

Built into the ‘my pitches’ tab are advanced filters that give you greater control to sort through your successful and unsuccessful pitches. This can be used as a great library of ideas for you to offer similar category clients and reduce your overall time spent pitching.

More than 100 new features within the Beta release

The pitching process is just one of the areas that we have overhauled for creators. Available as soon as your account rolls over into the Beta program, you can test these and more than 100 other new features that have all been built to make your content projects easier than ever.

Over the coming days and weeks, we will continue to reveal features and provide you with examples of how you can utilise these as part of your campaign.

Got questions on any of these new features? Send us an email for more information.