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May 27, 2020

Meet The Creator - Vivienne Pearson


Vivienne is a freelance writer who writes features for major newspapers and magazines and creates content for businesses and organisations.A writer without a niche, she has been published on topics as broad as public interest, opinion, parenting, travel, lifestyle and news. Her features have appeared in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Saturday Paper, ABC, SBS, MiNDFOOD, Atlas Obscura and more. She has created content for Psychwire, Vodafone, Mercedes Benz, Challenge Community Services, Jetstar and others.Based near beautiful Byron Bay, she works for local, national and international media and business. Her writing lives at is it you enjoy about creating content?I enjoy the idea that my words can help someone achieve their goals. Whether that involves simply reshaping provided information, background research, interviewing experts, or incorporating my ideas, I approach content knowing that my work will be helping both the commissioning organisation and the reader.What is your approach in bringing a client's story to life through brand journalism?The key is story. All marketing relies on writing, but brand journalism elevates the words into stories that have the power to engage, captivate and inform. Tell us about your journey to become a content creator.I came to writing after a successful career as an occupational therapist and research manager. This work was rich and fulfilling, but writing always called. Five years ago, long service leave gave me the opportunity to make both a sea- and career-change.How do you determine the tone, voice and style is right for a particular piece of content?I put myself in the reader's shoes. As an avid reader of content, I know there is a sweet spot where information blends seamlessly with readability and engagement. That's the spot I aim for. I will not pitch for any job going. If I understand - or am intrigued - by the topic and feel an alignment with the brand, I will pitch. What's the most useful thing a marketer can provide in the brief that allows you to understand their brand?I appreciate a marketer conveying specific information either about the topic they want written about, or what they hope to achieve by commissioning content. Both are even better, but clarity about one of these is key.What's the piece of content you are most proud of?Thinking about feature articles for newspapers and magazines, I am most proud of a series of stories (for various publications, including the ABC and The Saturday Paper) on the topic of school fundraising that arose from a Walkley Grant for Freelance Journalists. In terms of content for businesses and organisations, I am most proud of a series of stories I wrote for a real estate agency about a fictional extended family who happened to have many needs for real estate! Creating the characters, the story arc and working with an illustrator was enjoyable and rewarding.You can find Vivienne and her creative portfolio on the Fabulate platform, by clicking and viewing her profile here.