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October 5, 2020

Posting a 'private brief' on the Fabulate platform


The Fabulate platform has upgraded the briefing options available to clients, giving advanced controls that determine who sees (and does not see) a brief. This is called the ‘private brief' functionality and is selected at the start of the brief creation process.Selecting a private or public brief

After choosing to post a new brief, you will have the option of classifying your brief as a ‘public' or ‘private' brief. Selecting ‘public' will use the information you upload to the brief form to filter and automatically notify relevant creators and invite them to pitch their ideas for your content job. Marking a brief as ‘public' is the default way to use the Fabulate platform and is recommended for your first brief.Selecting ‘private' will open up additional options.

  • Internal: Allows you to invite creators that are within your organisation account. This brief will only be visible to invited creators within your organisation and will not be accessible to external creators within the Fabulate creator network. This feature is perfect for large content teams and those who are using Fabulate as their end-to-end publishing and creation software. For more information on how this feature works please contact your account manager, or email support for more information.
  • Invite Only:Allows you to invite select creators from within the Fabulate creator network. This brief will only be visible to invited creators that you have manually sent a brief invite to. This feature is perfect for clients who have an existing relationship with creators on Fabulate and know exactly who they want to commission for the job. The private brief is also suitable for clients that might have a sensitive content brief that they want to limit exposure of.

If you make a wrong selection, you can edit your brief classification on page one of the briefing form.

In the section labelled ‘Brief type', click the drop down menu and select the right option from the list provided.NB. Don't forget to click ‘save' or ‘update' for the changes to come into effect.How do I know that I have successfully posted my brief and classified it as private?

From the dashboard (in the ‘type' column) you can see the classification of your brief. If you have successfully selected ‘private' it will be labelled either ‘internal' or ‘invite only'.If you have selected a ‘public' brief, in the ‘type' column it will be labelled as ‘public'.N.B: if you have made a mistake, you can still edit this from the briefing form.Now that I have made my brief private, how do I invite creators to see the brief?

After clicking on your brief name from the dashboard, you can view creators by clicking on the ‘Creators' tab on the content job hub.

Search for your preferred creator, or filter based on experience, and once you have narrowed down your selection, click on the hamburger menu on the far right side and click ‘invite'.Your creator will be notified by email that they have been invited to view your content job.For further assistance in using the ‘private brief' functionality, please contact support.